About Us

The Cut Side

We are a group of regular guys that have worked on and off together over the years. Working in Sawmills, Logging, and having our own mill as well.

Who We Are?

Our names are Jason Lewis, Franklin Miller, and Dave Swords, we have all started families, have kids and trying to make a living.

Not being experts but knowing what has worked for us we though…Why not create a website with our information and experience wrapped up inside it. This way we can help others that may be having something we have went through?

None of us are great craftsman of words, so we rely on our wives to edit and make our chicken-scratch legible and grammar efficient.  So, if you read anything, thank them!

What We Do Here

This web site through the help of friends, family and professional guys help us do research on the best wood cutting machinery.  Machinery that are typically used in the cutting of trees.  From small wheel loaders to actual large sawmill equipment.

Reason Why We Focused on Sawmills and Logging

Our goal was to put our experience of the forestry industry in to bite size pieces that could help others decide to get into it or prosper.

Let’s face it, at the end of the day it is about putting food on the table and creating a better chance for your kids. Why is would be cool to have them follow in my footsteps, but do you really want them to work that hard for a dollar?

There is nothing wrong with hard work, it probably would help society a little? But our goal and my hope is our information we provide will save somebody time or money. Which is as they say the same thing.

we will add more info and some pictures of everyone that helps along the way.  I hope to see you around the website.  If you have any question for us you can ask it here.